Apoptosis & Necrosis

Apoptosis and Necrosis are two

Phenomenon of cell death.

                                                                                                             In an adult

                                                                                                               Human, 50 to

                                                                                                               70 Billion cells

                                                                                                                Die each day by



ØApoptosis is one of the main type of programmed cell death. During apoptosis, cell shrinks and becomes rounded due to the breakdown of cytoskeleton by enzymes.

ØIts chromatin undergoes condensation and nuclear envelop breaks. In this way nucleus spreads in the form of several discrete chromatin bodies.

ØCell membrane makes buds known as blebs. Blebs break off from the cell and are now called apoptotic bodies, which then phagocytosed by other cells.

> Apoptosis can occur when a cell is damaged or undergoes stress   conditions.

> Apoptosis removes the damaged cell, preventing it from getting further nutrients, or to prevent the spread of infection.

> Apoptosis also gives advantages during development. For example during the formation of fingers, the cells between them undergo apoptosis and the digits separate.


ØNecrosis is the accidental death of cells and living tissues.

ØNecrosis is less sequential than apoptosis.
ØThere are many causes of necrosis including injury, infection, cancer etc.

ØNecrosis may occur when a cell is given hypoxic ( with less oxygen ) environment.
ØDuring necrosis, there is a release of special enzymes from lysosomes.
ØLysosomal enzymes break cellular components and may also be released outside cell to break surrounding cells.
ØCells that die by necrosis may also released harmful chemicals that damage other cells.

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